Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) play a crucial role in any economy. In India, SMEs make a considerable contribution to the country’s GDP and offer jobs to a substantial number of people. Nevertheless, SMEs encounter numerous hindrances in obtaining funding, enhancing technology and accessing the market. The Indian Government has established several programs to assist SMEs, including the National Small Industries Corporation (NSIC) Registration.

NSIC is a state-owned company in India that delivers comprehensive support services to small and medium-sized businesses. The company’s foremost goal is to encourage and foster the growth and expansion of small-scale industries. NSIC Registration is a voluntary program that enables SMEs to receive a range of advantages, including assistance with marketing, technology enhancement, and financial aid.

The focus of this article is to delve into the intricacies of the NSIC Registration process and explore its various advantages.


The conditions that must be met to qualify for NSIC registration:

Indian Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) that satisfy the given criteria are eligible to apply for the NSIC Registration.

  1. Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) need to go through registration procedures either with the District Industries Centre (DIC) or the State Government’s Directorate of Industries.
  2. The Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) must possess a legitimate and active Permanent Account Number (PAN) along with registration for the Goods and Services Tax (GST).
  3. MSMEs are required to possess either a manufacturing unit or a service sector unit.
  4. It is important for the MSME to avoid defaulting on loans from banks and other financial institutions.
  5. The MSME should demonstrate a positive history of accomplishment and stability in terms of finances.



NSIC Registration offers numerous advantages to MSMEs. Some of the significant advantages of NSIC Registration include:

  1. NSIC offers support to small and medium-sized businesses by aiding them with marketing strategies like showcasing their products at exhibitions, trade fairs, and other relevant events.
  2. NSIC offers monetary aid to small and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs) by assisting them in obtaining credit support from banks and other financial establishments.
  3. NSIC facilitates the modernization of technology for micro, small, and medium enterprises (MSMEs) by arranging the acquisition of cutting-edge machinery and equipment.
  4. NSIC offers help with the acquisition of raw materials for MSMEs by facilitating the purchase of materials at a reasonable cost.
  5. NSIC assists MSME products in promoting exports by supporting them in securing export orders, fulfilling export orders, and engaging in global trade shows.



There are two categories of registration with NSIC.

  1. The SPRS is a program that requires MSMEs to register once and is good for two years. NSIC accepts and registers MSMEs as approved suppliers for designated goods and services. Once they’re registered, MSMEs can participate in NSIC-issued tenders on behalf of multiple government departments.
  2. The NPCRS is an optional program that evaluates the skills and financial stability of small and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs). This program assists MSMEs in obtaining loans from banks and financial institutions at reduced interest rates.



Enrolling in NSIC is a hassle-free procedure and can be done via the internet. The NSIC Registration process consists of the subsequent measures:

Go to the website of NSIC (https://www.nsic.co.in/) and select the option labeled as ‘NSIC Registration’.

The second step involves completing the online application form with essential information such as the name, address, contact information, and type of business.

Proceed with Step 3 by submitting the necessary papers, such as PAN, registration certificates for GST and MSME, as well as a bank statement, among others.

In order to complete Step 4, you must make payment for the NSIC Registration fees using an online platform. The amount charged for the fees is relatively low and varies according to the annual revenue of the business.

Step 5: Submit the application online.

After submission of the application, NSIC will examine the given information and provide a certificate of registration within a duration of 15-20 business days.



To complete the NSIC registration process, the following paperwork must be submitted:

  • PAN Card
  • GST Registration Certificate
  • MSME Registration Certificate
  • Bank Statement
  • Business Address Proof
  • Photo ID of Proprietor/Director/Partner
  • Income Tax Return (ITR)
  • Proof of Ownership/Lease Agreement



The amount required for NSIC registration depends on the income earned by the business. SPRS registration charges range from Rs. 500- Rs. 15,000 and NPCRS fees range from Rs. 1,500- Rs. 9,000.



You can finish the NSIC Registration process over the internet, and you will receive your certificate in approximately 15-20 business days.



  • Marketing Assistance
  • Financial Assistance
  • Technology Upgradation
  • Raw Material Assistance
  • Export Promotion
  • Access to Government Tenders
  • Credit Rating



  • The NSIC Registration procedure may take a considerable amount of time.
  • To qualify for consideration, the organization must satisfy the necessary qualification standards and submit all of the requested paperwork.
  • It is important for the business to have a positive history of achievements and financial stability.



Enrolling with NSIC is not obligatory but a choice. Nonetheless, if MSMEs choose to sign up with NSIC, they can access the perks offered by NSIC.



  • To become officially recognized, small and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs) need to go through registration either with the District Industries Centre (DIC) or with the Directorate of Industries under the State Government.
  • For the MSME to be eligible, they need to possess a legitimate PAN and register for GST.
  • For an MSME, it is required to own either a manufacturing facility or a service-oriented establishment.
  • The MSME should not have a history of defaulting on payments to any bank or financial institution.
  • The MSME should possess a positive history of achievements and stability in financial aspects.



NSIC Registration is a valuable scheme for MSMEs in India that provides a range of benefits, including marketing assistance, financial assistance, technology up-gradation, and raw material assistance. MSMEs that register with NSIC can leverage these benefits to grow their businesses and compete more effectively in the market. The NSIC Registration process is straightforward and can be completed online within a short period. However, MSMEs must meet the eligibility criteria and provide all the necessary documents to register with NSIC.


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