Annual Compliance of Private Limited Company

A Private limited company that has been consolidated in India should guarantee the compliances concerning the Companies Act, 2013 are sufficiently met. The Companies Act, 2013 controls the appointment, qualification, remuneration, and retirement of the Company’s Directors and different viewpoints like leading board meetings and shareholder meeting. The RoC compliance for registered Private Limited Companies is vital. Regardless of the complete turnover or the capital amount, the company should agree with the yearly consistence necessity.

All companies registered in India like a private limited company, one-person company, limited company, and section 8 company need to keep up with the annual compliances like annual returns and income tax return form every year. However, Company Registration is the most famous type of beginning a business, different compliances should be followed once the business is Incorporated.

Dealing with the business’ regular activities while consenting to the troublesome corporate regulations can be an errand for the business person. In this way, it is in every case better to take the experts’ assistance and comprehend the legitimate necessity to guarantee convenient satisfaction of these compliances to defer off the punishments or fines.

Here, we will take a gander at a portion of the Common compliances that a Private limited company needs to obligatorily guarantee.


Annual Compliance of Private Limited Company

The term consistence depicts the capacity to conform to orders, set of rules. Under the appointments of the companies Act, 2013, different compliances should be finished consistently.


Section 184 of the Act requires each director to reveal at the first Board Meeting in each Financial Year, his concern or interest in any company or companies or bodies corporate, firms or other association of individual, remembering shareholding for Form MBP – 2. DIRECTORs KYC – Web KYC of each and every director must be finished at the latest 30th September every year. If there should arise an occurrence of any adjustment of Email Id or Phone No. of Director, Form DIR 3 KYC must be filed with new specifics.


Form DPT-3 is expected to be filed at the latest 30th



Form MSME I must be recorded Half Yearly in regard of extraordinary installments to MSMEs. Due date to petition for October – March period – 30th April. Due date to petition for April – September period – 31st October.


Form PAS – 6 must be put together by the unlisted public companies, revealing about the details and changes in the offer capital on a half yearly reason for each ISIN independently, in something like 60 days of the finish of every half year. Due date to petition for October – March period – 30th May. Due date to petition for April – September period – 29th November.

  1. BUDGET AMOUNTMARIES: Every company expects to file its Financial Statements Alongside Consolidated Financial Statements, if any in Form AOC 4 and Form AOC 4 CFS, as relevant in somewhere around 30 Days of the finish of Annual General Meeting.
  1. YEARLY RETRUN: Every company expects to file its Annual Return in Form MGT 7 or Form MGT 7A, as pertinent announcing about the details of shareholding, share move details, details of DIRECTORs, meetings of individuals, board, panel, and so forth, in the span of 60 days of the finish of Annual General Meeting.
  1. REPORT ON CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY: Every Company covered under the appointments of Section 135 of the Act expects to file Form CSR 2 giving about the details of CSR spending, revealing, revelation of CSR Committee. Due date for FY 2020-21 broadened up to 31st May, 2022. (To be recorded independently as a web Form). For FY 2021-22 and onwards, Form CSR 2 will be recorded as an addendum to the Form AOC 4.
  1. CERTFICATION OF ANNUAL RETURN: according to Section 92(2) read with Rule 11(2) of the Companies (Management and Administration) Rules, 2014, every listed company or a company having Paid up Share Capital of Rs. 10 Crore or more or Turnover of Rs. 50 Crore or more expected to get its Annual Return confirmed by a Company Secretary in Form MGT 8.



  • Expands the validity of the company
  • Constructs trust
  • Keeps away from lawful confusions
  • Try not to suffer consequences


Coming up next are the yearly consistence errands expected to be done by Section 8 Companies. These are remembered for the consistence bundle.

  • Appointment of an Auditor: Under Section 139 of the Companies Act 2013, it is compulsory for companies to appoint an auditor. We will appoint an auditor for you.
  • Upkeep of a Register: The company will keep a legal register comprising of credits got, charges made, its individuals, and so forth as specified under Section 8 of the Companies Act, 2013.
  • Assembling Meetings: Annual general body meetings and other legal meetings must be led.
  • Report by Directors: Directors of the company will file their yearly report, comprising of financial information and corporate social obligations, in a fitting way. The board DIRECTORs are liable for this report and will help them with it.


  • Financial statement of the company: The balance sheet, Profit and Loss A/C, cash flow statement and other financial statements to be filed by the company for the previous year.


The consistence necessity for Private Limited Company has changed radically throughout the long term. Following is the synopsis of the Private limited company consistence due dates in 2021.

Commencement of business (within 180 days) For companies registered in India after November 2019, having an offer capital, it is important to get an initiation on the off chance that business testament prior to starting any business or practicing the acquiring powers. The initiation of business declaration should be gotten in something like 180 days of consolidating a Company.

In the event that the individual neglects to get this declaration, there is a punishment of Rs. 50,000 for the company Rs. 1000 every day for the DIRECTORs for every day of default.


Auditor Appointment (Within 30 days) All enrolled Indian Companies should designate a Statutory evaluator in no less than 30 days of joining. As amounting the company neglects to appoint an examiner, the company will not be permitted to initiate business. Likewise, there is a punishment of Rs. 300 every month
Income Tax Return Income tax return forms should be filed by 30th September.


MCA Form AOC-4  

The registered private limited companies should record MCA Form AOC-4 by 30th October. Inability to file AOC-4 will draw in a punishment of Rs. 200 every day of default or postponement.


MCA Form MGT-7 It is important to file MCA Form MGT-7 by 31st November. Inability to record MGT-7 draws in a punishment of Rs.200 Per day of default or postponement.
Hold Annual General Meeting For a private limited companies, holding a yearly regular meeting once a year is required. Companies are expected to hold their AGM in the span of a half year back from shutting the Financial year.


DIRECTOR’s report Preparation of the Directors report will be finished with all the data expected under Section 134.


DIRECTOR’s KYC Every director has to file his Director KYC form before 30th September. Penalty of Rs. 5000 has to be paid for not filing director kyc by each director.



The legal review compliances are conveyed to decide if an association gives precise details of the monetary situation by inspecting the bank adjusts, accounting records, and monetary exchanges.

  • A statutory auditor of the company is appointed.
  • The auditors of the company will settle annual accounts.


  • The Private Limited Companies should file the annual accounts and returns revealing the details of its shareholders, directors, and so on, to the companies’ registrar.
  • As a piece of the annual filing, the accompanying Forms are to be filed with the ROC:
  • Form MGT-7 (Annual returns) should be filed within 60 days of holding the yearly annual general meeting.
  • Form AOC-4 (Financial statement) is to be filed by a Private limited company in something like 30 days with the balance sheet and the statement of profit and loss account and Director report.


  • Holding a meeting of the shareholders once every year within 6 months from the financial year’s closing.
  • AGMs are held for approval of Financial statement, declaration of dividend, appointment or re-appointment of auditor, commission, remuneration of directors, and so on.
  • The meeting is held during business hours on a day that is certainly not a public holiday. It will happen at the registration of the company or the city, town, or village in which the registered office is arranged.


  • Leading the main meeting of the Board of Directors of a company in no less than 30 days of consolidation of the company is obligatory.
  • There ought to be four board meetings held every three months in which a minimum of 2 directors or 1/3 rd of the total number of directors whichever is great, are expected to be available.
  • Further, the meeting’s conversation should be drafted and kept in the minutes of the meeting and kept up with at the company’s registered office.
  • A notice ought to be served seven days ahead of time about the date and the reason for the meeting.

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