RBI according to the rules given under the Payment and Settlement Act, 2005 characterized Prepaid Payment Instruments (PPIs) as instruments of Payment that work with purchasing of goods and services, including the exchange of assets, monetary help, and settlements, against the worth put away inside or on the instrument.

PREPAID PAYMENT INSTRUMENTS LICENSE IN INDIA-PPI LICENSE IN INDIAThe worth put away in the instrument is addressed by the worth that has proactively been paid for by the holder or the instrument by a technique, for example, with cash, by a charge from a ledger, Visa, or even from other PPIs. PPIs can come as Payment wallets, shrewd cards, attractive chips, vouchers, portable wallets, and so on any instrument that can be utilized to get to a prepaid sum is a PPI.

Basically, PPIs can be characterized as Small PPIs and Full KYC PPIs. The little PPIs (otherwise called least subtleties PPIs) can additionally be isolated into,

  • PPIs up to Rs.10,000/ – (with cash loading office)
  • PPIs up to Rs.10,000/ – (with no money loading office)


The prepaid Payment instruments that can be given in the nation are ordered under the following categories:

  • Closed System Payment Instrument –

These are Payment instrument given by an individual for working with the acquisition of goods and services from him/her/them/it.

  • Semi-Closed System Payment Instruments –

These Payment instruments are redeemable at a gathering of plainly recognized dealers that agreement explicitly with the backer to acknowledge the Payment instrument. These instruments don’t allow cash withdrawal or reclamation by the holder.

  • Semi-open System Payment Instruments –

These are Payment instruments that can be utilized to buy goods and services at any card-tolerating vendor areas (Point of offer terminals). These instruments don’t allow cash withdrawal or reclamation by the holder.

  • Open System Payment Instruments –

These Payment instruments can be utilized for the acquisition of goods and services and furthermore grant cash withdrawal at ATMs, Merchant Local Locations, and mechanized business journalists.

  • Mobile Prepaid Instruments –

These are prepaid talk time instruments gave by portable specialist co-ops. This discussion time worth can likewise be utilized to buy ‘value added service’ from the mobile service provider or third-party service providers.


When did you last compensation for your food conveyance utilizing cash? Or on the other hand the time you last reserved a taxi and paid cash? Or on the other hand when you remained in a line to purchase a metro ticket utilizing cash? Indeed, a significant number of us barely recollect those times. Every one of the one requirements today is a cell phone, enough information, and a sum in your ledger to make fast appointments and Payments from anyplace and whenever. This consistent involvement with computerized Payments is a reality in view of fintech developments. Notwithstanding, in the present rushed world, we don’t marvel at or value these progressions since they fit in with our schedules as opposed to stick out. That is the means by which installed these developments have become.

Thesaurus characterizes the word ‘inserted’ as ‘integrated into something as a fundamental trademark.’ This word sums up the whole fintech transformation. Customarily, it was the obligation of the banks and monetary establishments to offer monetary types of assistance. The quantity of players offering these administrations was very low inferable from various limitations at each stage – beginning with the section hindrances to limits on funds and, surprisingly, the leave interaction. Be that as it may, as mechanical progressions occurred across the world, the obstructions to private substances were limited. The outcome is expanding of fintech arrangements and the significant job of implanted finance in our lives.

As the Reserve Bank of India’s (RBI) mindfulness to the general population over the prepaid Payment instruments (PPIs) by unapproved elements is in information, in this story, we check out at the idea of PPIs and different related angles.


Prepaid Payment instruments such as versatile wallets, multipurpose, multicurrency, and prepaid cards can speed up deals, client reliability, and productivity. You can acquire huge income for each exchange made through portable wallet-empowered pre-loaded cards you issue.

Organizations should use PPIs to take advantage of the huge 760 million cell phone client base in India, who will undoubtedly shop on the web and pay to utilize versatile applications and wallets.

Utilizing prepaid instruments, you can empower bank-like domestic and cross-border payments, however with more prominent productivity, adaptability and security. Furnished with the momentous PPI changes declared by the Reserve Bank of India (RBI), each business in India should ride the PPI wave to receive the greatest possible level of rewards.

Coming up next are critical measures reported in the 2021 RBI financial arrangement audit, relevant from March 31, 2022.

  1. PPIs can offer Real-Time Gross Settlement (RTGS) and National Electronic Funds Transfer (NEFT) offices to their clients.
  2. Interoperability of full KYC PPIs are obligatory.
  3. Maximum equilibrium of versatile wallets multiplied to INR 2 lakh from INR 1 lakh.
  4. Cash withdrawals empowered for full-KYC PPIs of non-bank PPI backers (notwithstanding bank guarantors)

These changes can possibly even the odds among banks and non-banks, boost full KYC PPIs, and drive more noteworthy monetary consideration. Organizations that acknowledge Payments and settlements through prepaid Payment instruments will encounter higher client securing, maintenance, and unwavering ness, expanded client lifetime esteem, and long-term benefit.


Prior to diving into the contrast between PPIs and Payment Banks (PBs), let us comprehend what Payment Banks are.

Payments Bank

Pointed toward cultivating monetary consideration, RBI conceptualized Payments Banks in 2013. Payment Banks are standard banks working on a confined scale without credit risk. They give little investment accounts, current records, request stores, Payments, and settlement administrations to the transient work labor force, low-pay families, private ventures, and other disorderly areas. The record holder can store or pull out cash through any ATM or service provider.

Payments banks can give ATM/charge cards however not Visas and credits. To support the Payment banks area, RBI multiplied the day’s end most extreme equilibrium limit from INR 1 lakh to INR 2 lakhs for every client (pertinent from March 2022) in its most recent mandate.

Non-monetary organizations, government offices, NBFCs, and Prepaid Payment Instrument (PPI) backers can work with Payment banks in India. Recorded beneath are not many Payments banks in India.

  • Airtel Payments Bank
  • India Post Payments Bank
  • Fino Payments Bank
  • Jio Payments Bank
  • Paytm Payments Bank
  • NSDL Payments Bank



As it were, PBs and PPIs work on comparable plans of action. Both acknowledge stores (PPIs through wallets) and empower Payments. However, the following are three vital contrasts between a PPI and PB.

1) Payments banks pay revenue to clients for their stores. Yet, PPIs don’t pay revenue for the client cash saved in their advanced wallets. Presently there are two significant purposes behind this powerlessness. First and foremost, PPIs are not approved to pay interest by administrative specialists. Furthermore, PPIs don’t acquire revenue on their escrow adjustments from the support bank. Along these lines, their capacity to pay interest to their wallet clients is hampered.

2) Another key contrast is the store insurance that Payment banks offer over prepaid Payment instruments.

3) The third distinction is that PPIs bear the gamble of surrendering to monetary violations, for example, illegal tax avoidance fear-based based oppressor support due to deficient KYC in certain instruments. Yet, PBs have severe KYC standards that include outsider validation.

Thus the vast majority of the PPI players have moved their PPI licenses to PB licenses. Since RBI has proposed measures to boost full KYC PPIs with NEFT, RTGS, interoperability, and an INR 2 lakh portable wallet balance, utilizing the collaboration among PBs and PPIs will help the client as well as the Payment environment all in all.


  • Concerning non-banking elements, for example, organizations, the necessities to be met by them to be qualified to give PPIs are as per the following – The organization should be consolidated in India. – The base settled-up capital of the organization should be more than Rs 5 crore. – Minimum positive total assets should be Rs 1 crore consistently.
  • With regards to banking organizations, all banks which conform to the qualification standards laid out by the RBI are permitted to give PPIs. In any case, with regards to giving Mobile Banking Transactions, just banks that have been supported by the RBI might send off versatile-based PPIs.
  • On account of Non-Banking Financial Institutions and substances, they are simply permitted to give PPIs under the semi-shut or the shut framework. This incorporates portable-based PPIs. The main condition to the issuance of PPIs by non-banking elements is that they are expected to keep an escrow account with any planned business banks in the country.


  • The Banks (Scheduled or Licensed) and the NBFCs are allowed to give PPIs whenever they have acquired endorsement from the Reserve Bank of India.
  • Elements other than banks or NBFCs ought to have base positive total assets of INR 15 crores, according to its last inspected monetary record.
  • These substances would likewise need to make an application to the RBI looking for endorsement for giving PPIs.
  • For a recently consolidated organization, it will be expected to present a declaration relating to the ongoing total assets alongside its temporary monetary record from its Chartered Accountant.
  • On the off chance that any element (with the exception of Banks and NBFCs) has been holding the permit for giving PPIs before the RBI made it obligatory to have total assets of INR 15 crores, such substance needs to raise its total assets to this legal cutoff by September 30, 2020.
  • An organization has probably been enlisted under the Companies Act, 2013 or the Companies Act, 1956 to have the option to get the permit from RBI.
  • It is important that the action of working as a PPI guarantor is referenced in the Object Clause of the Memorandum of Association of the organization.


However helpful, PPIs have specific restrictions both from the client viewpoint as well as the administrative stance.

  • Restricted Credit accessibility: PPIs by and large have limits on the exchanges they give. This could be legitimate as in PPIs center is principally to offer types of assistance for people without admittance to banking offices.
  • Capital prerequisite: The total assets of non-bank organizations giving PPIs is raised from Rs. 2 crores to Rs. 5 crores, making it hard for little organizations to enter and remain in the opposition. Further, 3 years after approval, total assets ought to be Rs. 15 crores/
  • KYC Compliance: The most recent KYC necessities as well as the prerequisite to keep a log of the multitude of exchanges of PPIs for no less than a decade could additionally trouble the organizations.
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