This Prepaid Wallet License is a prepaid payment instrument that facilitates with the purchase of goods and services, including fund transfer against the worth put away on such instruments. Such stored value on such instruments addresses the worth paid for with debit to a bank account, or credit card.

What are Prepaid Payment Instruments or PPIs?

Prepaid-Wallet-License-in-IndiaBefore we comprehend PPIs, understanding the idea of inserted financing is significant. In basic terms, implanted funding implies coordinating monetary administrations into non-monetary stages with the goal to give the clients/clients a consistent encounter. The excellent advantages of inserted supporting are:

  • Improved client encounters with a ‘one-stop shop’ approach.
  • Expanded incomes for organizations with the ‘Purchase presently Pay later’ sort of framework and keen information on the working of the plan of action.

As we have seen, inserted finance is interesting to both the clients as well as organizations. PPIs are one sort of instrument of the installed funding models. PPIs incorporate m-wallets, cards, prepaid vouchers, etc. The most famous among these is the m-wallet administration. Wallet-as-a-administration has built up some decent forward movement lately, approving the convincing advantages it brings to the table. Advanced wallets are gradually supplanting actual wallets, truth be told.

The prepaid instruments can be issued as: –

  • Savvy cards,
  • Attractive stripe cards,
  • Web accounts,
  • Web wallets,
  • Versatile Accounts,
  • Versatile Wallets,
  • Paper Vouchers
  • Any such instrument which can be utilized to get to the prepaid sum.


The prepaid payments instruments that can be given in the nation are arranged under the following classes:


  • Closed System Payment Instruments –

These are payment instruments given by an individual for working with the acquisition of goods and services from him/her/them/it.

  • Semi-Closed System Payment Instruments –

These payment instruments are redeemable at a gathering of obviously distinguished dealers that agree explicitly with the guarantor to acknowledge the payment instrument. These instruments don’t allow cash withdrawal or recovery by the holder.

  • Semi-open System Payment Instruments –

These are payment instruments that can be utilized to buy goods and services at any card-tolerating trader area (Point of offer terminals). These instruments don’t allow cash withdrawal or reclamation by the holder.

Open System Payment Instruments –

These payment instruments can be utilized for the acquisition of goods and services and furthermore grant cash withdrawal at ATMs, Merchant Local Locations, and mechanized business journalists.

Mobile Prepaid Instruments –

These are prepaid talk time instruments given by versatile specialist organizations. This discussion time worth can likewise be utilized to buy ‘esteem added administration’ from the portable specialist co-op or outsider specialist co-ops.



The following are the benefits of the Prepaid Wallet License –

  • It is one of the most helpful and secure techniques for moving cash.
  • Payments Wallet Instruments are efficient in that they permit you to take care of your power bills, cell phone bills, and different bills from any place and whenever.
  • Permits you to make an exchange from any place.
  • Takes into consideration more noteworthy straightforwardness and responsibility for E-wallet clients.
  • There are no extra expenses or actuation charges related to this application.
  • Clients can acquire rewards, cashback, and motivators.


The activities permitted include:

  • The Net worth will comprise the accompanying things
  • Paid-up Equity capital
  • Preference shares;
  • Free Reserves;
  • Share premium record; and
  • Capital stores addressing excess.
  • The Banks and RBIs need to get an endorsement from the administrative Department of RBI and NBFCs.
  • Any current element who has the consent to give prepaid instrument and furthermore has gotten a permit from RBI as per the previous capital prerequisite necessities to build their total assets according to the rules before September 30, 2020
  • Organizations getting enrollment according to the Companies Act, 2013 need to get a permit from the RBI.
  • The item proviso of the Memorandum of Association will permit the organization to attempt the exercises of the backer of payments instruments.


  • Just banks and non-bank finance organizations which follow the Capital Adequacy necessity endorsed by the Reserve Bank of India can give prepaid payment instruments occasionally.
  • An association consolidated in India and enrolled under the Companies Act 1956/Companies Act 2013, with the monetary organization’s basic role.
  • Any monetary business searching for payments wallet consent from RBI should have the most un-positive total assets of Rs.5 cr.
  • Paid ahead of time Foreign Currency Payment Instruments: Organizations supported under FEMA to give paid ahead of time foreign trade payment instruments will be absolved from these rules. Under the Foreign Exchange Management (Current Account Transactions) Regulations, 2000, as changed occasionally, the utilization of such payment instruments is restricted to adequate current record exchanges and dependent upon as far as possible.


  • Name of the candidate Entity
  • Constitution of the candidate Entity
  • Address verification of enrolled office of the business
  • Authentication of Incorporation
  • A point-by-point report of the standard business of the organization
  • Benefits expected to the Indian Financial framework from the organization
  • Rundown of Directors and List of Shareholders
  • Subtleties of legal inspector of Company
  • Quantum of capital proposed
  • Subtleties of wellsprings of assets
  • Most recent evaluated accounting report of the Company
  • Payments framework subtleties with process stream, innovation, security elements, and interoperability
  • Subtleties of Bank Account and Bankers of Company
  • Some other records might be required


The following are the techniques to get the approval for getting a Prepaid Wallet License/Payment Wallet License:

Step-1: Making an Application in Form A for endorsement as recommended under Regulation 3(2) of the Payment and Settlement System Regulations, 2008, with the endorsed government charge and all important records to the Reserve Bank of India to get the PPI License.

Step-2: The RBI will start the Screening system to guarantee the qualification of candidates.

Step-3: RBI will likewise apply check, on specific fundamental perspectives like client care productivity, specialized, wellbeing, and security angles for discovering the necessities for the application.

Step-4: After the RBI is happy with qualification rules and fit and appropriate status, RBI gives an ‘on a basic level endorsement’, substantial for a considerable length of time from the endorsement date.

Step-5: The Company should present an Audit Report to RBI in six months or less. The Company should present the System Audit Report (SAR); if not, the programmed in-head endorsement will pass. The Company might get an expansion (single) of a half year by making a development request recorded as a hard copy with every one of the legitimate reasons.

Step-6: After taking into account every one of the specifics outfitted by elements, the Company will be conceded the last endorsement. The organization should start a business in something like a half year of getting the Certificate of Authorization.


In India, under the 2017 Policy Guidelines on the Issuance and Service of Prepaid Payment Instruments, Apex Bank has set down itemized direction on the \ issuance of PPIs. It is conceivable, to summarize, the rules given as:

  • Under the allowed classes, all associations managing prepaid payments instruments (PPIs) may issue both reloadable and non-reloadable PPIs
  • The guarantor needs to set rules and approaches settled upon by the Board to give PPIs.
  • A Prepaid Payment Instrument needs to give the name of the responsible association alongside its image name.
  • Interest on the sum staying in the payments instrument will not be determined.
  • Substances should have earlier approval to reload the PPI with money, charge, or Mastercard on the record.
  • A shopper should play out the expected level of effort process preceding the issuance of PPI.
  • Cash stacking should be restricted to 50,000/ – each month in the payments instrument.
  • Just the Indian National Rupee Currency should be utilized for stacking and reloading cash into a PPI
  • After the PPI is given, the client will be exclusively obligated for each demonstration. The specialists will be exclusively at risk for the oversight on their part.
  • Every organization should have set up a Grievance Redressal Process.


Prepaid Wallet Licenses gave have a base legitimacy for a time of 1 year from the last stacking/reloading date in PPIs. Notwithstanding, PPI backers are allowed to give PPIs with longer legitimacy. Declaration of Payment Wallet License from RBI is substantial for a very long time except if generally determined. Be that as it may, it is likewise liable to survey, including the retraction by RBI. In the event that PPIs are given as a card (with a legitimacy period referenced on the card), then, at that point, the clients have the choice to get a substitution of the card.

The remarkable equilibriums of payments instruments are not ended promptly at the instrument’s lapse. The worth can be exhausted at 10% each month’s extraordinary worth. The holders are likewise sufficiently advised ahead of time in regards to the expiry of the legitimacy of the payments instruments. The application for Renewal should be made three months from the lapse date.


In India, organizations are excluded from getting an authorized asset paid as follows:

Elements Issue Prepaid Payment Systems –

All associations engaged with giving shut framework PPIs are absolved from the RBI’s rules and won’t look for endorsement from Apex Bank. Notwithstanding, they need to meet the accompanying circumstances for the issuance of payments metals:

  1. The greatest expense of a shut PPI framework will be Rs 5000/-;
  2. These prepaid payments won’t be utilized to buy other prepaid payments instruments;
  3. The sum gathered under this plan will be postponed from the conveyance of the conveyance, given that the excess measure of payments instruments doesn’t surpass the Rs 50 lakhs or 10% of the NOF (General Funds) of providers, whichever is less;
  4. Any business working in the issuance of these prepayment payments requirements to tell the RBI (Reserve Bank of India) when those plans become effective;
  5. Those associations likewise need to present a yearly budget report to the State Bank addressing the aggregate sum and the leftover measure of instruments given during that period.

Foreign Exchange Prepaid Payment Instruments –

All elements approved under the FEMA (Foreign Exchange Management Act), 1999 to give paid ahead of time foreign monetary standards are not exposed to the least financial necessities. Be that as it may, these payment instruments must be utilized for the ongoing record endorsement.

Mobile Prepaid Instrument –

The circumstances to be met for the arrival of prepaid steel from RBI rules are as per the following:

  1. Except for how much talk time, the utilization of that prepaid gadget will be confined to buying just those advanced administrations or content that can be utilized on cell phones.
  2. Mobile payment instruments may not be utilized for the acquisition of different goods and services
  3. These prepaid instruments can’t be changed over into cash.
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